Table covered with a white cloth with a welcome banner hanging from the front

New to Grace?

Welcome to Grace! We are excited to welcome you to worship with us and/or to take part in the many activities and ministries of our congregation. This page offers an overview of our church.

Where are you located?

Grace Lutheran is located at 131 W. Gettysburg Avenue in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, just behind Woodland Elementary School.
Driving directions

How can we get in touch with someone?

  • You can call the office Monday-Thursday from 9am-2pm at (865) 483-3767.
  • Email us at or use this form.

When are your worship services?

We offer two worship services on Sunday:

  • Contemporary Service at 9:00 am.
    • A more casual, informal service with communion led by members of the congregation
    • Contemporary music led by the New Creation praise team
  • Traditional Service at 11:15 am
    • A more formal service with communion using the service format in Evangelical Lutheran Worship
    • Music is led by organ and choir with traditional and modern hymns, a chanted Psalm, and a sung communion liturgy.
  • Both services are in the Sanctuary. You will experience a welcoming community, lots of music, scripture, prayer and spirited preaching in all our services.
  • On 5th Sundays we have a combined blended format service at 10:00 am.

We also offer mid-week worship services during Advent and Lent as well Christmas Eve services and Holy Week services.

Can we watch services online?

How should we dress?

What about kids?

What do you believe?

Grace is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

  • We confess the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • We trust the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.
  • Our beliefs, ministry, preaching, and teaching are based in:
    • The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (The Bible)
    • The Nicene Creed, the Apostle’s Creed, and the Athanasian Creed – statements of belief from the early centuries of the universal Church.
    • The Lutheran Confessions
  • Every Sunday we gather to hear God’s word as revealed in Scripture, to pray, and to receive the mercies of God as we fed at the Lord’s Table.
  • We strive to live out our faith through prayer and study, feeding the hungry and caring for those in need, welcoming the stranger, visiting the sick, and proclaiming the Good News in every aspect of our lives.
  • We believe that God loves everyone, period.

How does Grace serve those outside the church walls?

We are completely committed to God’s call to love and serve. Some of our ministries include:

  • Food Pantry on Fridays, providing food and other necessary items for families in need
  • A monthly neighborhood movie night
  • English classes and other assistance for newcomers to our country.
  • “Cop Stop” – where local law enforcement officers can have a safe place to take a break, have a drink and/or a snack, and access to safe, clean restroom facilities.
  • Providing school supplies, blankets, food baskets, Christmas gifts, winter hats and scarves to members of the community and, through Lutheran World Relief, to places all around the world.
  • Support of a missionary in Mexico

If you would like to know more, contact the church office at (865) 483-3787 or You can also reach Pastor Rosy at