Church Council
The Church Council provides leadership and coordinates and supports the various ministries and activities of the congregation. The congregation elects members to serve a two-year term.
2023-2024 Church Council

Rev. Rosalina Rivera

Valerie H

Mike L

Ruth S

Pam A

John C

Stacey G

Ron G

Donna G

Tim L

Nick M

Lisa S

Janet R
Financial Secretary

Larry S

Ken J
The Commissions work with the Council to coordinate all facets of congregational life at Grace, such as worship, maintenance, finances, outreach, congregational care, and more.
The Administering Commission oversees the care of property, fiscal and business affairs of this congregation. Administering Commission activities include:
- Care, development and maintenance of the physical facilities, church grounds, property and furnishings of the congregation
- Administration of the financial and business affairs of this congregation.
- Care and development of the professional and paid staff of this congregation
- Long-range planning and the setting of priorities for future ministries
- Oversight of the expansion, remodeling and construction of church facilities
- Coordination and monitoring the use of the church facilities by community groups and organizations
The Nurturing Commission oversees the care and equipping of the members for ministry and nurturing members’ growth in faith and love, including:
- Christian education and learning ministries of the congregation
- Short-term study opportunities of special interest and concern to the members.
- Developing and maintaining a church library, including audio and visual materials, and the audio/visual equipment needed to support the program and ministries of this congregation.
- Evaluating the need for and overseeing the establishment of support groups for members with special
- needs.
- Overseeing and providing for fellowship activities to establish and strengthen friendships among
- members.
- Coordinating, providing for, and overseeing the fellowship organizations within this congregation.
- Coordinating and providing opportunities for prayer.
- Encouraging personal and family devotions and providing resource ideas and materials.
- Providing high-quality, one-on-one, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting through Stephen Ministry.
The Proclaiming Commission is charged with overseeing all evangelism outreach activities. The Proclaiming Commision is also responsible for overseeing Grace Church publicity and communications. Proclaiming Commission activities include:
- Overseeing and expanding the congregation’s vision of opportunities for proclaiming the Good News
- Welcoming and following up with visitors at worship services
- Overseeing communications within the Grace Church community and its partners
- Managing outreach events and efforts such as Pet Fest and Blessing, and the ESOL ministry
- Promoting opportunities for ecumenical awareness and cooperation with other Christian denominations and those of other faiths in the community
The Serving Commission oversees the congregation’s activities that serve the needs of the local and world communities. The Commissions activities include:
- Overseeing and leading the congregation’s efforts to study, foster and promote programs of social justicewithin the community and the world
- Providing for the congregation’s outreach to members of the community and world in need of food, clothing and shelter including the operation of the Food Pantry
- Overseeing the outreach ministry to specific segments of society in need of this congregation’s advocacy and support to overcome oppression and alleviate suffering
- Coordinating the congregation’s support of and cooperation with other community social service agencies
- Promoting the congregation’s awareness of and involvement in the global ministry and outreach programs of the Church
The Stewarding Commission oversees the involvement of all members in the mission and ministry of the Church and works to identify and
promote the use of members’ gifts for ministry by:
- Coordinating efforts to collect information about the skills, abilities and interests of members and encouraging the involvement of more members in the programs and ministries of the Church
- Providing for the orientation of new members into the life and ministry of the congregation
- Identifying and involving specific segments of the membership into the mission and ministry of the congregation, including the youth and senior members
- Promoting the care of the earth and the environment
- Assisting the council in identifying members for council, commissions, and task forces
- Helping members of the congregation understanding and identify their talents and opportunities for ministry in their daily life and supporting members as they seek to do God’s work in the world
- Planning and carrying out of a year-round stewardship program for the support of the ministries and programs of this congregation
The Worshipping Commission oversees the spiritual and devotional life of the congregation by facilitating the members’ offering of praise and glory to God and assisting the pastor in the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Worshipping Commission activities include:
- Providing support and resources for worship services in coordination with the pastor
- Providing seasonal and special worship experiences for the congregation
- Encouraging the use of various creative expressions within worship
- Working with the music staff and the pastor to support the music ministries of the congregation
- Providing for the care of the musical instruments and equipment and maintenance of the music library and and other music supplies.
- Recruiting, training and scheduling of lay members for the leadership of worship
- Caring for the altar, the sacramental vessels and linens, the paraments and vestments, and overseeing the preparation of worship supplies
- Encouraging children’s involvement in worship
- Periodic reviews and making recommendations for improvements or changes in worship services